Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana is launched by the Chief Minister of Haryana on 26th Feb 2019 and announced by the Finance Minister of Haryana. This Scheme is just like as the Scheme of Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana that is launched by the Central Government. This Scheme is just a Pension Scheme for the Families of Farmers.
Under this Scheme of Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana, the government of Haryana has decided to give the financial help of Rs 6000 yearly. After keeping a watch on the state budget of 2019-20, the Chief Minister of Haryana has allocated the budget of Rs 1500 Crores for this scheme.
Benefits of Scheme
Under this Scheme, the government will provide the benefit to those agriculture families whose monthly Income is less than Rs 15000/- and Farmers having less than 5 acres Cultivating land. Brief Information about the Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yojana is given below.
Categories For Application:
Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yojana is devided into two Categories as per the age group of beneficiaries. Under the First Category of this Scheme, the age group is 18 to 40 years and under the second category of this scheme, the age group is 40 to 60 years. We will explain both of these Categories in brief. Beneficiaries can avail the benefits according to their age and they have choices as well that explained below:
First Category (18 to 40 Years):
Under the First Category of Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yojana, beneficiries can take the benefies who comes under the age group of 18 to 40 Years.Under this Category , there are four options provided to the beneficiares from which they have to choose one according to their comfort:
Option 1:
Beneficiary can avail the benefit of Rs 6000/- in the three Installment of Rs 2000/-. This benefit will be yearly.
Option 2:
Beneficiary can avail the benefit of Rs 36000/- after the Completion of Five Years.
Option 3:
Beneficiary can take the benefit as monthly Pension of Rs.3000 to 15000/- after the Completion of 60 years of age.
Option 4:
Beneficiary can take the benefit of Rs. 15000 to 30000/- after five Years of joining this scheme.
Second Category (40 to 60 Years):
Under the Second Category of Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yojana, beneficiries can take the benefies who comes under the age group of 40 to 60 Years, there are two options provided to the beneficiaries from which they have to choose one according to their comfort:
Option 1:
Beneficiary can avail the benefit of Rs 6000/- in the three Installment of Rs 2000/-. This benefit will be yearly.
Option 2:
Beneficiary can avail the benefit of Rs 36000/- after the Completion of Five Years.
Benefits under Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yojana depend on the age of beneficiary so before applying for these Scheme, you should read the rules of above mentioned Categories. There are also a benefit of Insurance Coverage in this Scheme that is defined below in brief.
Coverage of Insurance
Under the Scheme of Mukhyamantri Parivar Samman Nidhi Yoajana, there will be an option of Insurance Coverage as well which premimum will be paid by the State Government of Haryana. If the beneficiary dies due to natural causes or accident, then his family will be paid Rs 2 Lakhs for Insurance or if beneficiary becomes permanently disabled then his family will be paid Rs 2 Lakhs for Insurance.
If beneficiary is temporarily disabled, he will be paid Rs. 1 lakh for Insurance.And if Beneficiary is already a member of the scheme of Pradhanmantri Shram Yogi Mandhan Yojana, then he will be paid Rs.3000 after the Completion of 60 years of age.
Required Documents:
To apply for Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana, Beneficiary must have documents given below:
- Residence Certificate
- Passbook of Bank Account
- Address Proof
- Papers of Land
- Income Certificate
- Identity Proof
Eligibility Criteria:
To apply for Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana, Beneficiary will be eligible as per Conditions mentioned below:
- 1.Beneficiary should be a residence of Haryna because this scheme is being started only for the farmers and laborers of Haryana.
- Only that farmers will be eligible who have upto 5 acres cultivable land.
- Monthly Income of Farmers and Laborers should be less than Rs. 15000/-.
- This scheme is applicable to the age groups of 18 to 60 years and above as per mentioned in the Categories given above.
- Procedure to Apply for the Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana
The Application Procedure for Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana will be released soon by the State Government. When full guidlines will be declared for this Scheme then our government will update the Official Website to apply Online for Mukhyamantri Privar Samman Nidhi Yojana.